VM VPN Buggery

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Windows 10 backup features are a mess.

In the Windows XP/Vista era, users who wanted to back up their systems could either copy the files onto Compact Disc, email files to themselves, or rely on the highly useful and indispensable Windows System Restore feature to back up their files.

In the Windows 7/8.1/10 era, System Restore makes a much-welcome comeback. However, there are now additional features to consider. These include, Storage Spaces, Work Folders, Recovery, and File History, as exposed in the User Acccount Administrator’s control panel. What results is an almost-viral duplication of a user’s installed files and programs spread haphazardly throughout the file structure. An attempt to seek organization with Windows File Explorer reveals branches and nodes chock full of repetition and crammed into every available corner, with backed up files appearing in some places and not in others, the general rule being that, “Anything that can be ‘Shared’ and stolen and run simultaneously via a network tap (read: ISP connection) and ‘VPN’ with ‘VM’ (read: Virtual Public Network with Virtual Machines) is made available in duplicate, AUTOMATICALLY by the OS, for just about anyone to check out and dick around with. It RUINED the security of a large number of my system programs, allowing people to jack my system up tight. Taking a cue from Linux systems, Microsoft had previously espoused support for Torrent technology, by allowing users to save Torrent files to their User Profile Files, next to other folders such as Music, Videos, Games, et cetera. What results is a system that flaunts theivery outside a metered, monitored, financially underpinned system. People that don’t produce anyting are wont to not give a fuck, but those of us who work our hardest, and expect to be rewarded in any way whatsoever, have fallen prey to the worst kind of modernist communist garbage. Ideally, communism allows a person to check out a book from the library and return it, in good condition. In practice, the system of “Backups” and “Remote Terminals” put into play by the OS designers resulted in a loot of ruined books that made it back to the library with cocks scrawled in the margins, and shelf space devoted to people who don’t know the difference between a book and a bowel..

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