Tag Archive for Blizzard Studios

The Devil Is In The Details


Up late, burning the midnight oil, and running math calculations on my smartphone while comparing the website character profiles to the in-game stat sheets. Forum Post Original Post: 2 hours ago (Edited) Blizzard Character Stat Sheet My season 16 necromancer,… Read more…

Diablo 3 LAN


My partner is camera shy, but I’m plastered to every wall playing Diablo 3, and watching a video I made of myself playing Diablo 3 while making a video of myself. Videos on all four squares of the wall. Only… Read more…

Hell On Earth, First Thing In The Morning


Juggling Work and Life


There are three objects rotating around a center point, sitting a good distance away from three other objects rotating around a different center point. This proof is to calculate exactly the force, velocity, distance, and time necessary to move one… Read more…

A Friendly Letter from Your Neighborhood Blizzard Wizard

Warcraft III Reforged Logo

Abdullah Hamad recommends Warcraft III: Reforged. Introduction Warcraft is the reason I’m so in love with the RTS genre. I’m so happy to hear there is going to be a remaster, and I hope everything goes smoothly over at Blizzard… Read more…

Mutants Welcome v. C


Right now, I’m trying to build a Nuka Cola & Cryo Cream “Floats” Space Bar in Bethesda‘s Fallout 4 Workshop \ Creation Club Mod System, as obtainable, and giftable, through the Steam ( https://www.steampowered.com ) web portal. Pictured: Steam Client… Read more…