Tag Archive for NSFW

Delicious New Product

Michelangelo Flying Spaghetti Monster

Here is a video of THE PASTAFARIAN. To allay the disgruntlement of those shamed by the censored nude form, the recipe for The Pastafarian is as follows: Ingredients – Boiling water filled with Middle Eastern medium grain rice, Far Eastern… Read more…

Be Somebody (NSFW)

Transgender sign

Asexually reproducing organisms conform to gender monotypes. Physiologically, sexually reproducing species conform to gender stereotypes. Modern media demands the viewer conform to gender 5.1 surround types. https://youtu.be/2BVHdFx0GMw

Current Events: Media Dearth (NSFW)


If you’re unsatisfied with your video download options, try downloading additional media players and codecs, like DivX, VideoLan’s VLC player, the K-Lite package (R.I.P Kazaa), and Matroska. It might open up new media for your perusal. If a movie seems… Read more…

Study Break (NSFW)

Free Condom

The systems of equations written on these lovely physics students’ backs appear complex enough to warrant examination. Let’s attempt to expand and define the variables fully and study some solutions, without getting distracted. The first diagram on the left, inscribed on the back… Read more…

Reap What You Know (NSFW)

Cheetos Girl

What are the numbers for the monthly Cheeto harvest? Have we run out of styrofoam waste product yet? If we’re low on powdered cheese it’s not the end of the world. Just send out the nanobots to harvest it from… Read more…