I don ‘t remember the Cuban missle crisis first-hand. I don’t remember the Cold War. I remember my classmate bringing a gas mask to his kindergarten class because Donald Rumsfeld of CNN fame dropped depleted uranium all over the Iranian… Read more…
I don ‘t remember the Cuban missle crisis first-hand. I don’t remember the Cold War. I remember my classmate bringing a gas mask to his kindergarten class because Donald Rumsfeld of CNN fame dropped depleted uranium all over the Iranian… Read more…
What if recent intimations in society regarding the holographic nature of the universe, and the idea that life is a virtualization are merely outgrowths of the 3D video game industry’s success in mastering the nature of reality into mechanical simile?… Read more…
There’s no other feeling in the world like trading card games. Is The Game, “The made up rule sets and powers of the characters and ideas you play with using the cards when gambling,” or is The Game, “The act… Read more…