Tag Archive for Nintendo

Cigarettes, Airdamage, And Storms Of Plane Fleets Landing.

The Adventures of Lunk – Cyanide and Happiness

The Gods Of Thieves

A cartoon illustration of a pig burglar stealing money.

I hate it when a product breaks, and I am given a refurbished model after sending it in for a repair. The refurbished model is NEVER as good as the original. I’ve even traded for a refurb of a refurb,… Read more…

Mutants Welcome v. C


Right now, I’m trying to build a Nuka Cola & Cryo Cream “Floats” Space Bar in Bethesda‘s Fallout 4 Workshop \ Creation Club Mod System, as obtainable, and giftable, through the Steam ( https://www.steampowered.com ) web portal. Pictured: Steam Client… Read more…

In Need of New Hobby

Ms Pacman

Microsoft claims to have lost their way in the PC software and gaming realm, which is their inception and their strong suit. I posit: They haven’t lost their way. Stifling PC development and subverting everything to DLC (monetized downloadable content),… Read more…