Tag Archive for Love

Is All Really Fair in Love (and War)?


I suspect that society believes a person has just one chance to get it right in matters of love. Without instruction or practice, we are expected to fall in love and stay in love by instinct alone. If we lose… Read more…

As Is Always the Case for the Relative, Time Remains Invariant


Every person you have as a significant other should be treated differently than the person you had before. Each person you are no longer seeing should be remembered fully for who they were, at the time you knew them, as… Read more…

The Squid and the Whale

Giant Squid and Whale

A man and a woman sit upon the shore. They love one another so deeply, and finding no such love anywhere else, they decide, in that place, to stay together, with grains of sand washing away beneath them. The stars twinkle overhead, appearing… Read more…