Tag Archive for Computing

In Need of New Hobby

Ms Pacman

Microsoft claims to have lost their way in the PC software and gaming realm, which is their inception and their strong suit. I posit: They haven’t lost their way. Stifling PC development and subverting everything to DLC (monetized downloadable content),… Read more…

Current Events: Time Dilation

Grandfather Clock

Boo to mail.google.com. Boo to mail.microsoft.com. Boo to Microsoft Exchange.  mail.google.com has a vicious lag in loading my inbox. mail.microsoft.com is sending me spam messages from my own email address. Both are umbrellas-sites, bordering on the criminal in utility. Does the… Read more…

P.E. : Physics Education


Physics classes in high school are taught in such a way as to have a balance between the kinetic and the potential energy of a motive object in a “fixed system” at a given “fixed moment” in time. We then look at… Read more…

Less Pi For Everyone!

Pi Overlayed with Digits

What fractional value of Pi that is not Pi or zero produces the smallest number, in terms of digits used to represent it, when Pi is divided by it? You could try solving the limit of some value x between zero… Read more…

Mathematical Collision Detection

Mushroom Cloud

Calculating collisions in a software graphing engine: 1. Each object in your simulation is represented by a matrix overlayed on a three dimensional grid, defining the space it occupies with points. For this example, let us posit that there are two objects… Read more…