Tag Archive for 3D Printing

Movie Science: Avengers: Endgame

Iron Man Infinity Gauntle -Avengers

Spoiler warning: When the heroes in Avengers: Endgame time travel, they shrink and move really fast. This is possible with Pim Particles, which I don’t know anything about, but the time travel part is right on the nose. The shrinkage… Read more…

Back to the Frat with a Baseball Hat

Bebiendo Cicuta – Socrates

Is there a Sigma [Pi Kappa] (Σ[πκ]) frat for PC gamers and mathematicians focusing on microcosmal software virtualization investigations for realism and physical fidelity? Focuses would include: 1) Database search of metaphysical-universal, semantically-static objects via tagging and set theory and… Read more…