Archive for March 2017

-1 * -1 = +1


If the hive mind has more than one dictator, trying to stop something, they have to check whether the “no” statement sum of all dictators is even or odd, and make sure the wanted result is met with a majority… Read more…

Double Helix is the Cure for Kinky


PolySpringPendulOSussAtIonAtOr SymmetroFootAboutTheLegHingeFlexSpringLeggedJouleRodStaff Infinite legs, infinite toes, infinite arms, infinite fingers, infinite heads, infinite zibs, infinite sphincters, infinite sound sensors, infinite vision sensors, infinite temperature sensors, infinite tensile strength sensors, infinite center of gravity sensors, infinite friction sensors, infinite sense and force… Read more…

x% off


Marketal Advertisement Rule: [x% off]= [[[x]*[[0]/[0]]] off]= [[0] off]= [[x]-[0]]= [Full Price] Mathematical Algebrant Rule: [x% off] = [[[Price]-[[Price]*[[x]/[100]]]]where[[ [[0]<[x]<[100]] ]] Langual Writing Rule: [x% off] = [[Price minus x per cent] where [[[[price] is [amount to be passed from… Read more…

A Story of Three Moons


Moon One chases Moon Two and Moon Two chases Moon Three. Moon Two and Moon Three get smaller and worse, but Moon One Stays the same. This makes Moon Two get smaller faster than Moon Three. This makes Moon Three… Read more…

The All-Seeing Eye(s)


I was watching a Russian streamer on Twitch, and they were posting ping times at the beginning of their W3 games. Ping times are how long it takes for a message to get to the server and back. Even if… Read more…